
At Montoya Wealth, it’s obvious how much our clients benefit from working with a fiduciary advisor. With lower fees, loyal service, and an emphasis on transparency, the choice is clear.

But just what is a fiduciary financial advisor?

A true fiduciary financial advisor is legally required to act in their clients' best interests at all times, placing the client's needs above personal interest. 

Specifically, that means:

  • Fiduciary advisors like Montoya Wealth Management are organized as registered investment advisors (RIAs). All RIAs are legally bound by the fiduciary standard to place clients’ needs above their own. 

  • Fiduciary advisors must ensure that their advice is offered in good faith and is relevant and thorough, with all pertinent facts disclosed.

  • Fiduciaries must avoid conflicts of interest and, when they are unavoidable, disclose them.

  • Fiduciary advisors receive compensation only from their clients and must seek the best investment products on their behalf, in both pricing and terms.